

April 19th, 2013   Henrico, VA

DeathflamerKoneko-kun has drawn 106 drawings and authored 362 captions across 468 games. They follow 10 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 1,514 emotes!


Commented in the game It's 4am! Or it's 3am!

Commented in the game Simon Belmont crashes monster mash

Commented in the game Simon Belmont crashes monster mash

Commented in the game ezio singing ma anaconda dont

Commented in the game Czech republic

Commented in the game Ghost mistaken for KKK

Commented in the game Ghost mistaken for KKK

Commented in the game I tried to catch a fog. I mist!

Commented in the game TF2 Pyro amputates Wario

Commented in the game pikachu vs Dark Pikachu

Commented in the game pikachu vs Dark Pikachu

Commented in the game Salad Fingers likes rusty spoons

Commented in the game Family Guy / Family Dog crossover.

Commented in the game Steve Urkel

Commented in the game pumpkins dancing

Commented in the game Michael Jackson in Star Wars