

April 19th, 2013   Henrico, VA

DeathflamerKoneko-kun has drawn 106 drawings and authored 362 captions across 468 games. They follow 10 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 1,514 emotes!


Commented in the game Waluigi is the godfather.

Commented in the game #710 Pumpkaboo!

Commented in the game This game needs to be on the to

Commented in the game Kakuna Rattata!

Commented in the game OP IS A FAGGOT

Commented in the game GAME OVER

Commented in the game Attack on Cthulhu

Commented in the game C(ute)thulu destroys a town

Commented in the game GAME OVER

Commented in the game Table flip!

Commented in the game danny sexbang hates jontron

Commented in the game The Ducktective.

Commented in the game kirby's fursona

Commented in the game Reagu ofu rejyandozu

Commented in the game Sora No Otoshimono

Commented in the game Reagu ofu rejyandozu

Commented in the game Reagu ofu rejyandozu