

April 19th, 2013   Henrico, VA

DeathflamerKoneko-kun has drawn 106 drawings and authored 362 captions across 468 games. They follow 10 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 1,514 emotes!


Commented in the game Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo

Commented in the game Spongebob Suffering From Hangover

Commented in the game Toriel Simulatior

Commented in the game Ron Swanson

Commented in the game A giant, pulsating, green, raw cock.

Commented in the game Scowl owl

Commented in the game Scowl owl

Commented in the game Today's #1 Top Game

Commented in the game Game of Thrones

Commented in the game Game of Thrones

Commented in the game NSFWaluigi

Commented in the game NSFWaluigi

Commented in the game NSFWaluigi

Commented in the game NSFWaluigi

Commented in the game NSFWaluigi

Commented in the game RIP Zoboomafoo

Commented in the game What does the Delphox Say?

Commented in the game Doing an exorcism in Czech.